Course curriculum

    1. START HERE - Intro Video from your tutor

    2. Module 1 Introduction – Understanding Coaching and the GROW model

    3. Module 1 Presentation: GROW (48 mins)

    4. Lesson 1: The GROW Model

    5. Summary

    6. Optional Resources

    7. Optional Discussion

    1. Module 2 Introduction - Questioning and Listening Skills

    2. Module 2 Presentation: Questioning and Listening (35 mins)

    3. Listening Test Audio

    4. Listening Quiz, after this move on to Lesson 2.

    5. Lesson 2: Questioning and Listening

    6. Summary

    7. Optional Resources

    8. Optional Discussion

    1. Module 3 Introduction – Transactional Analysis Ego States

    2. Module 3 Presentation: TA (30 mins)

    3. Lesson 3: Introduction to TA

    4. Summary

    5. Optional Resources

    6. Optional Discussion

About this course

  • €200,00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content